WinC Magazine is the official publication for Women in Comics Collective International (WinC), which was founded in May 2012. In accordance with the WinC Manifesto, WinC Magazine serves to highlight the merit and craftwork of marginalized people, especially that of women and Queer folx of color who work in various industries, such as comics, publishing, gaming, media, education, and multimedia. WinC Magazine aims to include and celebrate diverse voices from the comics and literature fields, and will feature works of poetry, prose, and comics from new and established creators.
Winter 2022 Issue
December 2022 | Theme: Love
Submissions open: WinC Members & General Public- September 23, 2022
Submissions close: WinC Members- November 23, 2022
General Public- November 20, 2022
Love. There are so many things that revolve around that word. It is the number one muse for so many creative people and it means different things to everyone. What does love mean to you? Who or what do you love? How does the word or sentiment make you feel? We want to read all your stories and poems about it and we welcome re-interpretations of what Love is to you. We are accepting stories in the following genres: Action, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life and Fantasy.
We are accepting the following storytelling formats:
Comic strip (one story, 3-4 panels)
Editorial cartoon / single panel comic (1 panel)
Graphic essay / short story comic (sequential art, 3 pages max.)
Prose (fiction / essay / memoir, 300 words max.)
Poetry (200 words max.)
General Submission Guidelines
Below are the specific guidelines for each area of submission.
These guidelines apply to all areas of submission, regardless of medium.
We are open to receiving work that contains many themes, but we will immediately reject work that features any of the following:
Graphic depictions of rape or sexual assault
Needless brutalization of women and children
Depictions of brutalization or abuse of people with disabilities
Graphic abuse of animals
Additionally, we reserve the right to reject work we believe may be harmful to readers.
All work submitted MUST abide by our WinC Member Manifesto regardless if a submitter is a WinC Member or not. Our membership comes from a variety of backgrounds, and work that has elements of homophobia, fatphobia, colorism, ageism etc., that go unchallenged will not find a home at WinC Magazine.
We will only consider original, completed, unpublished work, and currently will not consider reprints (work that has been published in another magazine, anthology or on your blog or other social media), or fan fiction. Do not send links to your portfolio or folders containing multiple materials.
We do not accept multiple submissions. Please wait until you receive a response to your initial submission before submitting new material.
We do not accept simultaneous submissions. Re-submissions are by editorial solicitation only.
While submissions are open to everyone, we especially welcome material from creators of the following communities:
African Diaspora
Asian Diaspora
Latine / LatinX
Native / Indigenous Diaspora
Submissions will receive feedback within 4 weeks of Submissions Closing.
Templates & Formatting
All files submitted must be hi-res, 600dpi in TIFF format.
Size -- 6.875” by 10.438” inches bleed; 6.625" by 10.187" inches trim. A page template sample can be downloaded here.
Full color or black & white.
Prose and Poetry:
Submissions should be submitted in the appropriate manuscript format. In the top left header, include only your name, email address, genre, and the total word count.
Prose format manuscript template can be found here.
Submit your material here when submissions open.
Link your submission via Dropbox or Google Drive in the message box.
You will receive a confirmation message when the form is completed, indicating your submission was successfully received. You will not receive an e-mailed confirmation.
We understand the use of a form may not be accessible to some disabled users. If you require an alternative means of submission for your work, please contact us at
info [@] womenincomicscollective.org and we will arrange one for you.
Payment Schedule & Rights
Editorial cartoon / single panel comic.........................................$75 flat rate
Graphic essay / short story (sequential art, 3 pages max.)........$100 per page
Prose (fiction / essay / memoir, 300 words max.).......................$60 per story / essay
Comic strip (one strip, 3-4 panels)..............................................$100 per story
Poetry (200 words max.).............................................................$50 per poem
WinC Magazine will publish accepted submissions in a digital magazine and digital anthology format, as well as archiving them on our website; in addition to publishing them in a physical print format in an anthology collection. Thus, WinC Magazine will claim first world serial rights, nonexclusive archival rights, and nonexclusive anthology rights to your submission.
This means that we are buying the rights to publish your submission in both electronic and physical print issues of WinC Magazine. This also means that you can only publish your submission as a reprint after it appears in WinC Magazine, and it cannot appear anywhere else online or in print prior to submission, or for 180 days after we publish it. After that, it can be reprinted online, in a magazine, in a stand alone format, or in an anthology. Should these terms be violated, you will be prohibited from submitting material for future issues.